Transmitter: Pin A1 = Wire from Potentiometer Pin 3 = Power LED Pin 6 = Signal LED Pin 9 = CE //Wireless Module Pin 10 = CS(N) //Wireless Module Pin 11 = MOSI //Wireless Module Pin 12 = MISO //Wireless Module Pin 13 = SCK //Wireless Module 3.3v = VCC //Wireless Module GND = GND //Wireless Module GND = LED's Receiver: Pin 2 = Power LED Pin 4 = Connection LED Pin 6 = Control Wire to Servo Pin 9 = CE //Wireless Module Pin 10 = CS(N) //Wireless Module Pin 11 = MOSI //Wireless Module Pin 12 = MISO //Wireless Module Pin 13 = SCK //Wireless Module 3.3v = VCC //Wireless Module GND = GND //Wireless Module GND = LED's Servo: Brown Wire = Ground Red Wire = Power Orange Wire = Signal Batteries: Red Alligator Clip = + //Power to servo Black Alligator Clips = - //Ground to servo and Ground to Receiver *Can open the code in the Audrino IDE available at: *To edit or look at code: Download Audrino IDE, hookup USB cable to Audrino, and open code.